11 July 2011

It's time....

No better time than NOW to do the things that I want and need to do. After all of the things that I've been going through and dealing with and what is going on around me, I realize that it's time to stop putting things off. The trips I want to take, the ideas I have, the activities I want to partake in....yep...time to get it cracking. No more waiting on other people to get off their high horses or to make time to do what they SAY they are going to do. I have to do what I need to do for ME!!! Numero UNO! If I don't look out for me...who will!?!? Besides God of course.

Alot of things are beyond my control but those that aren't...there are no excuses as to why I can't go after them. Seize the moment. I look back a year ago and I was doing things that I had been putting off forever. Did it all turn out how I wanted? Of course not. Was it worth it? Yes If I could go back, would I change a thing? Nope because I got out of my element and went outside the normal box I stay in and I took a step or two towards CHANGE! Time to get back to that mindset. Stop letting the lack of motivation or action of others bring me to that exact same level. No more waiting around......it's time to make something happen. You either have to get with me or get out of my way!!!! I've been in my OWN way for far too long. If I have to take this road alone...then hey....I guess that's just what I will have to do!


Cerebrally_Orgasmic said...

Just what I needed to hear!!

Anonymous said...

YES for this! I put off everything for family and friends and I never get anywhere! I LOVE this!

Miss Toya said...

Glad I could help!! Thanks for reading! :-)