30 October 2010

It's time to listen....

It's hard to follow your instincts when what they are telling you is something you just don't want to believe. But when they have almost never steered you wrong.....it's time to start listening. I've been here too many times before and have tried to put those messages aside and see things differently and in the end, the messages were right all along. It just sucks. I'm definitely feeling some type of way right now about a few things and I know I have some decisions to make. Hard decisions!!! This sucks. This is a place I hate to visit and it makes me mad every time something or someone forces me to enter into this place. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm just trying to do me and be happy with life. I don't need unnecessary b.s. or people in my life. If you don't want to be there....be GONE!

24 October 2010

Going Outside The Box

I've always been one who has gone "against the grain". Never one to try to fit in with the norm. I pride myself on being "unique". I'd rather be a Grade A version of me than a Grade whatever version of someone else. I hate followers....if it's not Twitter then you shouldn't be trying to FOLLOW anyone. Be yourself. It kills me how people go against their norm to fit in. If you can't be yourself to attract the friends or potential mates that you seek, then TRUST that it's not meant to be.

I like being different. I like to stand out in my own special ways. I don't have to act like, walk like, talk like, be like, nor do the things that my FRIENDS do. Real friends respect your differences. Yes, there are certain aspects of myself that I see in my friends that makes them my friends....and then there are things in which we vary on opinion on....music, movies, clothing, MEN, events...it's just the way of life.

A lot of my TRUE personality (likes..wants...desires) are probably a shock to people when they really begin to feel me out and get to know me. I always get the ol "you don't look the type"...whatever that means. *smh* It sometimes cracks me up when people find out things about me. lol Even more funny when assumptions are made based on very little knowledge of me. But hey, that's why people shouldn't assume anything.

Well as I get older, I find myself going outside the box more and more. I never want to limit myself and staying within a "box" definitely limits the possibilities and probably blocks out alot of opportunity. Recently, I have been learning a great deal about myself and more and more I have come to realize what I want out of life and my future. It's time to really step my game up and start really living life to the fullest. Tomorrow isn't promised and I have to make moves and do things that I haven't done in order to get things I haven't gotten. Time to go for mine....step out on faith and go for what I truly deserve and want. Time to put on my big girl shoes and walk this walk. I think I can....I think I can. I have accomplished quite a few things in 2010 that should've been done a longggg time ago, however, better late than never. Time to keep on this path and continue to make changes in myself and my actions in order to get the results that I am seeking. If you ask me.....I'm READY!! Let's go!

21 October 2010

I love me some you

"You" have always kept the motivation to succeed within me. Never doubting that I could do anything that I put my mind to. Kept pushing and pushing even when the roads have gotten rough and tough or different obstacles have stood in the way. "You" have been strong when others around have not when life has dealt hands that weren't always so easy to play. When it seems there was nobody there to pick me up.."you" always brought the desire and strength to get back up. For this and so many other reasons....I love "you" dearly! Without "you"...I am nothing. You are my biggest fan. As long as you believe in me and God is by my side...then I know I can move forward with any and everything that I put my mind to. So yes...I have no problem saying it...admitting it...and letting those who question it.....I LOVE YOU!!!



Yes, in order to love anyone else or to receive the love of another, you must first love yourself! Despite my modest ways and thoughts....I have plenty of love for myself. If I can't love me...how can I expect anyone else to. My esteem is not high but best believe it is not low. I don't think I am better than anybody else but I do give myself props when deserved. I believe in ME and my decisions. I must say, yes...I do have some regrets in life but they were all lessons learned. Every day is a learning experience and for the school of hard knocks....which is my life...I'm at the head of the class. I am taking in all surroundings, lessons, and material as to stay on top of my game.

~~ I LOVE ME regardless of whether anyone else chooses too or not!! You can either LOVE ME or LEAVE ME ALONE!!

11 October 2010


Yes, yes.....little ole me has been featured on another blog. I feel special!!! YAYYYYYYY! LOL You can check it out HERE. (*ahem*...that means NOW!!) Big thanks to Elle over at edk.dolce for featuring me and my blog over on her site!!!! She has a great blog and is doing her thing over there. Be sure to check it out!!!