Anywho.... I have become semi...(seriously..just a little bit) addicted to Twitter. Check the right column over there --> and follow your girl. Myspace is pretty much dead to me. I go on to check mail and jump right back off. Not feeling it anymore. Too much drama and stupid stuff. I still mess w/ Facebook for now and I have ventured back into Fubar. It's something to do.
Jigga's been seizure free....again for a month! WOOHOO!! I refuse to use any of the Advantix/Frontline/etc products right now because for real...I think that K9 Advantix was the culprit as I have stated before. I used Skin So Soft (shouts to my side gig as an Avon him and he's been cool so far. He still saying "ain't no bugs on me" NO THANKS TO ADVANTIX!!!

So...decided to update the list of thing I planned on doing this year to see how much I've done thus far. I also said I'd add to the list....well let me see what I can cross off and/or add:
1) a great two day 30th Birthday celebration
2) being in DC for the Presidential Inauguration
3) going to NY to visit the other fam I have up there
4) getting out and doing more fun stuff (less clubbin' more....something else!!)
5) taking a vacation, or 2, or 3
6) settling down *gasp* ....we'll see about this one
7) reaching that 5 year mark at my job. That is an ABSOLUTE first for me... 2.5 years is usually my max @ a place of employment
8) a new whip -- this is kinda TOP priority!!
9) Head to the beach in June for my homegirl's bday
10) Go against the grain and see what's good with "him"!
11) Write more - the poems clear my mind
12) Get another part time gig....technically I have 2 side gigs..but yea...I need #3
....hmm that is it for now.
prayers for being seizure free
add may 30th come to vince 30th bday party at his house let me know trying to get a dj and all ight girl lata
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