So this isn't really a blog's just me reminding myself that the season premiere of Crime 360 comes on May 21st. If you don't know what it is....go here:
Sad Richmond finally gets some tv play and it's a CRIME show! *smh*
A small view into MY personal thoughts, rants, events, wants/needs and social life!
23 April 2009
21 April 2009
A Quickie....
Nope..not posting anything of the sexual nature. Just a quick post to let everyone know that I am STILL in the land of the living. Just grinding and trying to stay afloat in this crazy world.
Anywho.... I have become semi...(seriously..just a little bit) addicted to Twitter. Check the right column over there --> and follow your girl. Myspace is pretty much dead to me. I go on to check mail and jump right back off. Not feeling it anymore. Too much drama and stupid stuff. I still mess w/ Facebook for now and I have ventured back into Fubar. It's something to do.
Jigga's been seizure free....again for a month! WOOHOO!! I refuse to use any of the Advantix/Frontline/etc products right now because for real...I think that K9 Advantix was the culprit as I have stated before. I used Skin So Soft (shouts to my side gig as an Avon him and he's been cool so far. He still saying "ain't no bugs on me" NO THANKS TO ADVANTIX!!!
He is, however, gaining mad weight. The vet said the seizure meds would make him eat more. They never lied. He's probably around 11 or 12 lbs now...a month ago he was 8. His legs still long and boney..pretty soon he won't be able to hold himself up.
So...decided to update the list of thing I planned on doing this year to see how much I've done thus far. I also said I'd add to the list....well let me see what I can cross off and/or add:
1) a great two day 30th Birthday celebration
2) being in DC for the Presidential Inauguration
3) going to NY to visit the other fam I have up there
4) getting out and doing more fun stuff (less clubbin' more....something else!!)
5) taking a vacation, or 2, or 3
6) settling down *gasp* ....we'll see about this one
7) reaching that 5 year mark at my job. That is an ABSOLUTE first for me... 2.5 years is usually my max @ a place of employment
8) a new whip -- this is kinda TOP priority!!
9) Head to the beach in June for my homegirl's bday
10) Go against the grain and see what's good with "him"!
11) Write more - the poems clear my mind
12) Get another part time gig....technically I have 2 side gigs..but yea...I need #3
....hmm that is it for now.
Anywho.... I have become semi...(seriously..just a little bit) addicted to Twitter. Check the right column over there --> and follow your girl. Myspace is pretty much dead to me. I go on to check mail and jump right back off. Not feeling it anymore. Too much drama and stupid stuff. I still mess w/ Facebook for now and I have ventured back into Fubar. It's something to do.
Jigga's been seizure free....again for a month! WOOHOO!! I refuse to use any of the Advantix/Frontline/etc products right now because for real...I think that K9 Advantix was the culprit as I have stated before. I used Skin So Soft (shouts to my side gig as an Avon him and he's been cool so far. He still saying "ain't no bugs on me" NO THANKS TO ADVANTIX!!!

So...decided to update the list of thing I planned on doing this year to see how much I've done thus far. I also said I'd add to the list....well let me see what I can cross off and/or add:
1) a great two day 30th Birthday celebration
2) being in DC for the Presidential Inauguration
3) going to NY to visit the other fam I have up there
4) getting out and doing more fun stuff (less clubbin' more....something else!!)
5) taking a vacation, or 2, or 3
6) settling down *gasp* ....we'll see about this one
7) reaching that 5 year mark at my job. That is an ABSOLUTE first for me... 2.5 years is usually my max @ a place of employment
8) a new whip -- this is kinda TOP priority!!
9) Head to the beach in June for my homegirl's bday
10) Go against the grain and see what's good with "him"!
11) Write more - the poems clear my mind
12) Get another part time gig....technically I have 2 side gigs..but yea...I need #3
....hmm that is it for now.
12 April 2009
I got a headache..... THIS big..
So I have had a headache basically every single day for the past week and a half. This is crazy. I know it's partly sinuses but mostly stress. Even factors that I don't think are bothering me..I know they are. UGHHH! I'm no stranger to headaches though. I've gone to the neurologist and I've had MRI's and all that. It's a catch 22 situation for me. Tylenol works..but only for like 1 or 2 hours. Not long enough to take another dosage and this is with 8 hr Extended Tabs....Ibuprofen DEFINITELY works but because it's so hard on the dr. suggested NOT getting in the habit of using them that much. I can't take Migraine meds...cuz I'm not allowed to have caffeine. Only me!!! If it's not one's another
One stress off of me is that I have gotten my drama filled car off my hands....and gotten a new car. That is stress relief and new stress at the same time..MORE DEBT!! WOOHOO! LOL But at least I have reliable transportation. My car decides to get stupid as SOON as my warranty ran out. OF COURSE!!!
I have slept most of the day and shockingly, I am actually sleepy now! So guess I'll turn in shortly!
One stress off of me is that I have gotten my drama filled car off my hands....and gotten a new car. That is stress relief and new stress at the same time..MORE DEBT!! WOOHOO! LOL But at least I have reliable transportation. My car decides to get stupid as SOON as my warranty ran out. OF COURSE!!!
I have slept most of the day and shockingly, I am actually sleepy now! So guess I'll turn in shortly!
04 April 2009
Making up for lost time
So blog world, here I am again...Posting a semi-overdue post. First off...old business...Jigga's seizures got super out of control. Ended up having 4 in 4 days. His seizure meds have been upped to 1/2 a pill twice a day. This dog is truly taking me through it. Thank god I'm an animal lover. Everybody says he's getting me ready for motherhood. Lord knows, my child gonna be STRAIGHT then because this dog has a wardrobe, an insurance plan that includes dental, is on medicine that I have to base MY schedule around. It's insane. But I'm getting through it.
It's been raining alot lately. The weather is still crazy (hot/cold, rain/sun) making plans is not coming easy. Last weekend I did NOTHING. Lounged around the crib the whole time..even with Sunday being pretty nice. I decided to make up for it this weekend...and I have. Hung out with my brother and his g/f @ TGIFridays for a couple of hours. Man, we seen some celeb lookalikes and some mo' *ish* up in there. Then caught up with a friend...who has been M.I.A (to say the least) for the past like 6 months. Got a few things off my chest that I've been holding in (shockingly) for months. Had dinner and a movie outting. Good times like always. Today I planned to lay low all day, butttttttt now I'm going to the movies...again..LOL Then tonight...CLUB time to celebrate my homegirl's bday. This is going to be crazy. We go all out for bdays around here.
Besides my busy weekend, everything is basically the same ol same ol'. Think I'm gonna get another part time job. I do have one, but I never go. LOL They even called me Thurs to say they had a shift...mind you..I haven't worked since March of 2008. Good to have something in ya back pocket to fall back on for some extra change if/when you need to. Nothing else really new. Ready to start making these mini vacations happen. Thinking about changing my scenery on a permanent basis soon possibly. Been dealing with crazy *ish* from certain individuals. UGH! I ignore it...I just turned 30...I wasn't childish when it was excusable, and I won't stoop to those levels now as a grown up. `Nuff Said!
Oh yea...
The past vs present situation....takes on a whole new twist. The blast from the past from the previous entry has been replaced w/ another one. LOL
It's been raining alot lately. The weather is still crazy (hot/cold, rain/sun) making plans is not coming easy. Last weekend I did NOTHING. Lounged around the crib the whole time..even with Sunday being pretty nice. I decided to make up for it this weekend...and I have. Hung out with my brother and his g/f @ TGIFridays for a couple of hours. Man, we seen some celeb lookalikes and some mo' *ish* up in there. Then caught up with a friend...who has been M.I.A (to say the least) for the past like 6 months. Got a few things off my chest that I've been holding in (shockingly) for months. Had dinner and a movie outting. Good times like always. Today I planned to lay low all day, butttttttt now I'm going to the movies...again..LOL Then tonight...CLUB time to celebrate my homegirl's bday. This is going to be crazy. We go all out for bdays around here.
Besides my busy weekend, everything is basically the same ol same ol'. Think I'm gonna get another part time job. I do have one, but I never go. LOL They even called me Thurs to say they had a shift...mind you..I haven't worked since March of 2008. Good to have something in ya back pocket to fall back on for some extra change if/when you need to. Nothing else really new. Ready to start making these mini vacations happen. Thinking about changing my scenery on a permanent basis soon possibly. Been dealing with crazy *ish* from certain individuals. UGH! I ignore it...I just turned 30...I wasn't childish when it was excusable, and I won't stoop to those levels now as a grown up. `Nuff Said!
Oh yea...
The past vs present situation....takes on a whole new twist. The blast from the past from the previous entry has been replaced w/ another one. LOL
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