Dear Summer,
I write to you today to let you know that although you are welcome on your PLANNED arrival date of the 21st of this month, it appears you are being very impatient and have already sent some of your "luggage" ahead of time. Your sun, heat, and storms have been creating quite a stir for a few weeks now. Although I love the time of year in which you make your way into town, sometimes the things you bring with you are not as welcomed. I am not sure where you are right now because I would gladly send you your "luggage" back and maybe you could pack a new set of things to bring along with you. Please don't take any of this the wrong way! I don't want any trouble when you do get here! I know how it is to want to go somewhere and being impatient, but we are trying to enjoy Spring right now. We haven't seen much of "her" in the last few years because you have rained on her parade and decided to hit the area sooner than you were scheduled to. Please be patient and KIND. It's only fair. Trust me, I love seeing you way more than your cousin Winter. The snow, sleet, and ice she brings is the absolute worst. I know you can agree since you 2 do NOT get along and are never seen together. They say opposites attract but I guess not in the case of you two. But anyway, I'll see you on the 21st of June. And not a day sooner.....RIGHT!?!?
P.S. Could you bring me a vacation also?? Thanks in advance!
I absolutely love the heat, bring it on!!!!
Mr or Mrs summer reads you loud and clear..:)
You love the baking heat @Reggie!?!? I like it warm but those 100+ feeling days are for the birds.
@Didi - I sure hope so! :-)
I love the summer, but this humidity is about to kill me! . . I don't even wanna think about what it's gonna feel like in August!
That was a very beautyful read, Last week was a full moon so the emotions of our sistars were def. as high as the tides, and the sun was so demanding of our collective energy, but in all that it demands, it gives even more, we need to learn to be in sync!!!!! Sacred Syncronocity!!!!! I will be a faithful follower of such beautyful words. lets stay connected, follow me at my blog http://lovemomauwi.blogspot.com.
Your sistar, Momauw.
haha I love this post!! :P
I have just awarded you 'the best blog award'.. you can check it on my last post! :)
Awww thanks! :-)
This post really made me chuckle!
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