22 May 2011

Starting over....

Starting all over again, is gonna be rough. So rough....but we're gonna make it!

You ever put all your hard work, time and effort into something and then at the very end realize that the end result is just not what you wanted? Like you were building a house out of toothpicks...felt as if you laid each one side by side perfectly, applied just the right amount of glue, shaped it and made it just like you wanted and just as you get down to the final few toothpicks you look at it and all of a sudden the house is lopsided. Yep, that's how I feel right now about a few of my "works in progress". Happy up until a certain extent and then....not so satisfied with the end result. In some cases, I can't figure out WHAT is skewing my view of the project. Why exactly am I not so happy with it? Can't quite put my finger on it. What's even worse is when others see what I have done or the work thus far and think it's great or going well and deep down I just can't agree. So what do I do? Do I patch up my "work" to pacify myself? Do I trash it completely and just say forget about it? Do I start a whole new project that's totally different? Or do I start from scratch on the same one, just from a different angle or using a different method? That's where I'm stuck like chuck as they say (whoever "they" are). Starting over can be a hard thing, but sometimes it's necessary in order to get the result that you need or want. I guess each situation is different and the required step(s) to the desired ending are also different. It takes time and alot of thought to figure out exactly what each "work" needs in order to prevail and be successful. For now...I guess I wait. Both ears and eyes open...for a sign that says how to proceed. It'll definitely be with caution!


Icnonlybme said...

OMG, I needed to see this! I'm dealing with this very thing, relationshp-wise! *sigh*

Miss Toya said...

I spoke in subliminals on this post because it applies to ALOT I'm dealing with these days...but most definitely in the whole love/relationship category!! Thanks for checking out the blog!!! I'll be following you now also!! :-)