"Friendly Advice"....the keyword is FRIEND. Advice - ad·vice/ədˈvīs/
Noun: Guidance or recommendations concerning prudent future action, typically given by someone regarded as knowledgeable or authoritative. Some people offer advice on situations and circumstances that they have not been through or experienced. Some people like to give advice and never take the same advice and use it in their own life. Some advice is given maliciously to purposely lead to a negative outcome. None of this is really what I want to speak on. I'm talking about genuine advice from a FRIEND. Advice is not the law. A person does NOT have to do as another says or else...however what I don't get is when it's not even paid attention to. How many FRIENDS have to give you the same opinions, thoughts, concerns before you wake up and realize that there must be something to it. I've had so called friends stop talking to me...yea so called because obviously they were NOT friends because I simply gave my humble opinion on something they were doing or had done. Things that from the outside looking in just seemed shady/wrong/out of character.... and no I didn't expect these individuals just to DO what I suggested but to appreciate the fact that I came to THEM and discussed it would've made a little more sense than to "disappear"...go through with it and in 100% of the cases...pay the price that I could foresee. Trust and believe the situations that I am facing or may face that I involve my friends and their thoughts on the matter will be taken all in. Any and all thoughts will be listened to and taken for what they are worth. I can count on one hand the individuals who fall into this category, but believe me...if I keep hearing the same ultimate "advice" from all those in my inner circle....I'm paying VERY close attention because it is definitely SOMETHING in their message(s). I get to make the final decision on what path I choose to take but I am always willing to listen to the opinions of those very close to me. Who know me sometimes better than I know myself and won't let me stray from what I like and believe in. I see it all too often when it's too late to listen....when someone has convinced themselves that everybody else is wrong...people have to learn lessons the hard way...I get that...but listening to those close to you can keep away alot of stress, drama, and heartache in ALOT of cases.
Some Friends Know the Truth Hurts and Expects You to hide it from them,guess you not that so please do you and keep helping those who listen from straying away..
Ps.now following you on twitter. @itsDiDi
It's imperative to listen to those close to you really,but at the same time it is very important to also use wisdom always.Sometimes someone might be giving you what they feel is their best advice while in reality it's absolute crap.
@DiDi - I'll continue to help those who appreciate my help. If it's just to listen .... they don't have to do as I say or as I do. P.S. Now following you back @ A-9ja-Great - agreed on all of your points to. I think my biggest issue is when EVERYBODY is saying the same thing about a situation yet you give a closed ear to what they are saying.
Ahhhh... I NEEDED this post today! I really did! It reminded me of why I ended a friendship. You can't sit and watch people make obvious stupid decisions over and over and over again. when asking for advice of course it's not the law but don't ask and then get mad when someone tells you what they honestly truly think.
Yea that's even worse when you ASK for my opinion/advice and then get mad at me for not giving the answer or suggestion that you WANT me to give. That's not how it works. I'm an honest person, so I'm going to give it to you like it is. Which is how I would expect to GET it from my friends in return.
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