...Well sorta kinda!!! I have gotten over my "not so happy" time of the year. Now I'm just doing me. Work is beyond chaotic and causing my blood pressure to be sky high (I'm sure because of the headaches I'm keeping on the regular).

I hate a bunch of drama that is not necessary for ANY reason. Just urks me.

Anywho, the weather has been insane. One day it's 80...three days later we have a snow storm dumping 8 to 10 inches of the white stuff and having to miss work...then BOOM it's 80 again..then 5 days later...more snow and ice. V-A weather..you gotta love it. That is why everybody and their mama continues to be sick.

Off and On....Patient First has GOT to be making that paper!
I'm thinking about the warm up though. Tomorrow is the first day of spring. I have been vacation-less for 10+ years. Yea, you read it right. Yea I have been to NY in that time span and to like Kings Dominion...but all of these trips came with b.s and drama and I don't even count them as vacations or get-a-ways. So yea, ol' girl will be hitting the highways this summer. It is a MUST! If I don't..I will lose my mind. What little bit I have left.

I've made some serious adjustments as far as the company I keep since the beginning of the year. A few people have definitely been downgraded and pretty much eliminated from the list. I don't have time for foolishness, games, lies, and people who are just plain ol' bums. LOL I can't do it.

I don't need people trying to leech off of me. Bottom feeders and leeches are not needed. I am trying to do thangs!! I can't have people holding me down, which some people just thrive off of.
I got quite a few things to look forward to this year. Another big cookout that me and my brother and his g/f throw every year.

We plan on moving it to June this year. One of my best friends is getting married to my 'unofficial' little brother in July and yes I'm in the wedding.
Always a bridesmaid...never the bride...but trust..no complaints here.

. A few planned trips w/ a few homies are in the works also. Hopefully it all goes according to plan.
Besides all that...just been living life and taking it all in one day at a time. Still dealing with Jigga (the dog)'s seizure issue. He's on seizure medicine and was fine and seizureless for a month and a week and then BOOM...2 in 2 days.

I seriously think its the K9 Advantix because it had been exactly a month and a few days (yea I was a little late on the dosage)...and soon as he got it..like a day later...BOOM...here goes a seizure. So I will be switching up his Flea/Tick prevention ASAP!!! I googled it and found WAYYYY too many dogs who they figured this out TOO late...so umm yea...I'm switching. Better safe than sorry. I got too much money invested right about now.
I got a few other mental dilemmas going on in the love life category! LOL A blast from the past vs someone fresh off the block. Who knows how this will play out.....
Miss Toya - we are writing a book about the "drama" that women go through. We are using songs from Beyonce, Erykah, Mary J., Mariah, and Toni to explore the ups and downs woment experience. Please visit our blog, leave a post, and take the survey. We all have drama, that's what connects us! That is the point we are making with the book "This Song is My Life." Hope Jigga gets better!
yeaaaa and where have u been do do this again folk
i definitely thank u for giving me the opportunity to read about a day in the life. love the title by the way. looks like i might have to mosey back over to blogger again. im on wordpress & have quite a few thoughts posted there. i have to say that the love storyline gets more and more intriguing daily
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