You ever buy food from one place but wish you had part of the meal from some place else? Like you buy a Whopper meal but you can't stand Burger King French Fries and wish you had fries from McDonalds? Or you get a gift set but it is missing one item that you wish was in it and the one with that item has other things that you do not want. I totally feel this way right about now about alot of things.....but just like the examples above, I realize that in order to get the "more" have to go ELSEWHERE. If it's not where you are, then you have to go where it is. Sometimes you just have to sacrifice what you do have or move on to get to what you really want. Early morning thoughts......headache for days....but I realize it's time to cut some losses and go for what I truly deserve and want. No more half more settli....hmmm nope I stopped settling a long time's more like accepting less than I am due. I could do better and I will do better. True happiness is something I want....and I haven't felt an inkling of that in a LONGGGG time. Going through the things I've been through...overcoming so many obstacles and bad things all the time....I'm overdue for happiness. Overdue for REAL people and things in my corner. Done pacifying losers and half a** so called friends. Done dealing with unnecessary stresses in life. Now I'm out for SELF...time to work on Toya. When I get my own self together...then I can find someone to supplement me! To make me even better. A better half.............yea (it all LOOKS and SOUNDS good on the screen....let's see if I can make this thing a reality)
To be continued......